Tuesday, December 23, 2014
DIY doll school/office area.
What you will need:
1. A cardbord box that does not have the flaps removed
2. Some type of Tri fold poster board.
3. Things to put on the poster board
4. Doll chair
5. Doll sized school things.
Set the posterboard up agianst a wall corner and put whatever You want on it. This will be the background
Turn the cardboard box upside down and then paint it if you want to. Place it between both sides of the tri fold poasterboard put a doll chair beside it and then put doll school things on it. The result should look something like this

I'm so sorry about being gone...
I'm still here though! Xmas is in a few days. Currently Samantha and Kirsten are trying to decide what to do. Molly is in the kitchen digging for something to eat and Jenny is sitting down in a chair tired. In my next post I will share a DIy doll furniture idea . For now, bye. Oh yes, my computer has the flu and is not turing on so I shal try to post from my mobile device.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Tree Climbing contest!
Friday, July 11, 2014
In The Spa.
hi y'all! Jenny here! right now i am eatting nutella while enjoying a vissit to the spa. Will post pics latter. bye
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
our travel destination!
we are perhaps soon going to of all places, Myrtle Beach! I better get stocked up on beach stuff. I promise I will get some good beach pics! P.S., check out my good friend Meghan's blog Girlydolltype.blogspot.com, it rocks!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Cooking Contest.
Hi! Samantha here! Last night me and Jenny were the official judges of a Mexican themed food contest called the Livy vs. Huggy ( huggy is our owner's stuffed bear)! We got to taste each contestant's meal and their drink they made. Livy made classic qeisodias with extra salsa while Huggy made greek ones with Fetta Cheese as the primary chese. Istead of salsa huggy used sesime dressing and huggy even went as far to cut a match in half and use the non flamable half as a toothpick then on the cup match he stuck s olive and then he stuck it thru the quesodia. Huggy's drink was this fruty sprie stuff he made but livy made these no alcohol lemon bombs that were realy good! Huggy got a score of 28 while livy got 29 anw on by 1 point. Here's some pics of the contest.
Livy's dish.
Yum this is good.
This is the worst sparkling drink ever!!!
Livy's non alcohol lemon bombs are da bomb!
We drank all of them
Overall scores:
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Tower of girls!!
Hi! It's jenny here. This is my first post and i am excited! Well heres a pic livy took of us girls .
Friday, May 30, 2014
My doll arrived but......
Ok my AG doll i bought on eBay arived finaly. But she her arm is a thread from falling off. Here she is
Saturday, May 24, 2014
New dollie.
I bought this doll on ebay the seller does not know which doll it is please give opinion on what this dolls name is,
Monday, May 19, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Hi! This is Samantha! Ive been waking up to find my bed wet for a few nights so i mace a decision to wear these to bed....
Pampers Easy ups!!!!
Goodnite y'all
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Getting ready for the beach!!
Hi y'all!! It's Samantha here! We are getting ready for the beach. In two days we are leaving but a list is being made of what should be brought. If i don't get sick i am coming to the beach with Livy! yay!Sadly I will nit be able to get in the water due to me lacking a swimsuit but I will be sure to wearmy summer dress . Have a good week. - Samantha, Moly, andFelicity.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Final scores of the AG Putt Putt Championship
Final scores of the 2014 AG Putt Puttchampionship. Felicity got a overall score counting all games of 30 points. Molly got a ending score 10
Samantha's Mexican Cafe part 2 ( photo shoot )
Time to cook ( maybe using a pot as a stool was a bad idea)
Put in the salsa and sour cream and i'm done!
I'm full ( burp)
Goodbye for now - Samantha
Samantha's Mexican Cafe part one. ( photo shoot )
Hi!! Samantha here! Livy's daddy last night brought home Mexican food from the company conference. I decided to show you how to make the best burritos : ). Enjoy
Look at all this food!!
Time to put some meat on the burrito.
Beans and rice yum!!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
American Girl Putt Putt TUrnament 2014 game 2
Hi!! It's Molly! so far i am the reigning champion I just won my 2nd game i played with Felicty and the results were the following: Molly: -5 Felecity: 0.
American Girl Putt Putt Turnement 2014. Game One
Hi Y'all!! It's Felicty here. Molly is hosting the first anual American Girl Putt Putt championship. There will be two nights worth of Putt Putt. Tonight is the first game of the event, which is me vs. Molly. Heres the results of game one. Me 0 Molly 1
Monday, March 17, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
I'm sick...
Hi!!! This is Samantha here. I can't go skiing after all!!! I got the flu... Dang it!! Well, Livy said she would take some pics of Sugar Mountain for us girls. Goodbye for now.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
What I did today..
Hi Y'all!! This is Samantha here. Today I had such i fun time!!! : )
Next sunday I am going skiing with my owner and her family. I will make sure some pictures are taken. Right now Molly is listening to the stupid Duke vs. UNC basketball game .... Boorrrinnggg!!!! I would rather her change the radio station to Rock 92 or 94.9 Star Country, or 99.9 WMAG. Well, I gotta go : )
Next sunday I am going skiing with my owner and her family. I will make sure some pictures are taken. Right now Molly is listening to the stupid Duke vs. UNC basketball game .... Boorrrinnggg!!!! I would rather her change the radio station to Rock 92 or 94.9 Star Country, or 99.9 WMAG. Well, I gotta go : )
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
iPad gone and other thoughts...
Hi Y'all! this is me Felicity here. my owner''s iPad has been taken away from her. She uses her iPad as a camrea since he has no other camra. Well, Valentine's day was good except Samantha decided to eat all of the Russel Stover chocolates Molly bought to share on V day. bad Samantha!!! the picture below is from my google plus photos/Picasa Web album.
nite yall!!!
nite yall!!!
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Felicty's new iPhone!!
Hey y'all this is Feliecty here!!! I got this sweet new iPhone i bought on eBaY for like $25 it has a big crack in the screen though.
It has a locked passcode i am going to reset. Well, bye.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Felicitys outside fun!!!
Monday, February 10, 2014
How to make Felicity's famous party punch
Hi ya'll this is Felicity, and I will be telling ya how to make my legendary party punch. Perfect for that last dance with Mary Jane or for the Big party at the AG Youth Club.!!!!!
What you will need: A doll sized small juice glass, some Hawiian Punch ( prefeably the Lemon Berry Squeeze flavor , some sprite , berries.
Fill the cup partly with lemonade and partly with sprite , and stir up. Then put some fruit inside ( optional )
What you will need: A doll sized small juice glass, some Hawiian Punch ( prefeably the Lemon Berry Squeeze flavor , some sprite , berries.
Fill the cup partly with lemonade and partly with sprite , and stir up. Then put some fruit inside ( optional )
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Samantha Is going skking!!
Guess what??!!!! I am going Skiing at suager mountian!!!!
I will be sure to post pictures when me and livy get there... I am so excited i have never been skiing in my life!!!!! But first things first I need a heavy coat and ski bib. I have no winter outfits!!!
I will be sure to post pictures when me and livy get there... I am so excited i have never been skiing in my life!!!!! But first things first I need a heavy coat and ski bib. I have no winter outfits!!!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Felicity's thoughts on football.
Hello, This is me, Felicity. Am I the only one who hates football???
What is the point of football other than to see some fat men throw around a brown and white ball??
To me it is all nonsense.
So Instead of football, tonight I will have my hair redone, partske of the Superbowl food, rent a scary movie that will make me scream, and play Sorry with Molly and Samantha. Good plan!!!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Samantha's devotions.
I think i will read my bible
Oh, this is very interesting. Very interesting....
Oh, this is very interesting. Very interesting....
That's o.k. I realy hate fancy clothes .
Time to pray...
Bye Bye. It is time for me to eat lunch.
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