Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dress Comparison ( American Girl Samantha Meet Dresses.)

( disclaimer) I don't have any saved pictures of Samantha in the second generation meet outfit which she came with in 2006 so the pictures of that outfit are different than the one she originally wore and I have never owned the 3rd generation meet outfit that came out when Samantha was un-retired.

         Well, I recently lost most of my doll wardrobe so I have been starting to replace. I got the Pleasant Company Meet dress on eBay and was impressed. The shoes were realistic and made of actual leather instead of rubber. There was like no plastic really which was the best part.  Apparently the original outfit came with a hat...

The only thing that is different with the first generation dress
and the second generation dress is the sizing. The pleasant company dolls
were less chubby and wore smaller dresses ( No offense Samantha!)
My favorite features are the red velvet hat and the real looking shoes.
Now for the second Generation outfit....
It was not as nice but ok. This is when the shoes turned from being leather to rubber : (
not that nice....
this is the dress my Samantha doll came in 2006
Finally..... The third generation meet outfit ( The Beforever one)
                                                 The irony is according to the books Samantha does not like pretty pink things and is a tomboy. This newest one is kind of cute but not as nice as the older one. Your Opinions???
                                                                           This is MY Samantha .

Summer Day.....

Hi! Samantha here! So we were bored and in the Carolinas it is hotter than hades. Even so me and Kirsten wanted fresh air so we decided to go to the pool.
                                                         it's kinda refreshing.......

" oh! This is so relaxing!" Said Kirsten as we floated
on a pool raft thingy.
After all of this we went to the beach cabana and relaxed....
How's your summer going y'all?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

snowball fight!

Molly here! this post is from last month so im sorry for the delay.

It was all snowy and cold so we decided to have a snowball fight on the roof. 

                                                           I was ready.. my aim was perfect...

"Ouch!" said Kirsten, as she got knocked down by me.

Samantha tried to hit me..
Ouch! Me and Samantha said in unison. We had hit eachother at the same time.

Monday, January 18, 2016

pizza party!

Ok, this is Molly. To celebrate finishing our final exams and the start of a new semester this year, we had a party with Pizza, drinks, and a live band called  The Rocking Rebels. I wanted to capture a little bit of our fun,


                                                       " what should I order"
                                                 It was so good!

                                                  After the pizza, we all got seats to see  The Rocking Rebels preform...they got on the stage and rocked us all up. Most of the chairs were located at the kitchen/bar  this explains all the cups and mugs and such everywhere.  My favorite song they did was called " I will rock till your memory is gone." Once thee concert was done, Kirsten put a quarter in the jukebox and we all daced or talked about tomorrow's beauty contest.

                                                      when the sun woke up we had ether fallen asleep or passed out. This is the result of how out of control this concert got.
it was a mess. Anyways, bye for now! I have to clean up the mess left over from last night.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Kirsten's Mountain Trip.

It's Kirsten here. Over break I went to Lake Lure. It was so fun. Here's a few pictures.

                                                 I finally saw the mountains for the first time.

                                             This is the basement room I slept in. Nice isn't it!
                                              It is equipped with even a kitchen. And a dining room!

                            I'm looking off the deck rails torwards the amazing mountains.
                            So pretty!


                                                 sorry I had more pictures but I lost them. Nite y'all!